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7th and Final Kumi Yama to be held this year in Les Deux Alpes

The last edition of the event takes place in July this year

featured in News & reviews Author Ellie Mahoney, Les 2 Alpes Editor Updated

It was announced yesterday that this summer's Kumi Yama will be the last one to be held in Les Deux Alpes. The announcement was made on the day reputed to be the date in 660BC that Emperor Jinmu ascended to the throne of Japan.

Back in 2008 there were only 3 nationalities represented in the event, but its popularity has grown over the last seven years, and in 2013 there were a total of 19 nationalities competing, with hundreds of competitors.

The spirit of the event has always been fun and relaxed, with participants enjoying the summer sunshine on the glacier, sharing good times and watching each others tricks. The themes of each event have included retro-gaming, Mario Brothers, Manga and Dragon Ball Z to name a few, and there have been some great props and costumes along the way. 

The event this year will pay tribute to Japanese traditions and organisers are encouraging as many people as possible to attend, amateurs, professionals and retired professionals alike. 

If you're interested in taking part Kumi Yama 2014 will be taking place from the 4th to the 6th of July, you can find accommodation, lift passes and more information, or register here
